Research Article
Influence of Road Rehabilitation on Flexible Pavement Performance in Nigeria
Enobong Okon Inyang*,
Idorenyin Ndarake Usanga,
Kufre Primus Okon,
Sunday Asuquo Saturday
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
14 April 2024
3 May 2024
31 July 2024
Abstract: Road rehabilitation is the processes involved in repairing portions of an existing pavement in order to reset the deterioration process. This paper establishes the influence of road rehabilitation on flexible pavement performance in Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was prepared to obtain the primary data for this research. The survey population consisted of 75.7% experts who have been involved in flexible pavement rehabilitation process, the population also included the 24.3% less educated but experienced equipment operators who have reasonable years and wealth of experience in pavement rehabilitation works, hence, confirming their suitability as respondents for this study. Data obtained from the survey were subjected to both descriptive and statistical analysis through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the survey data using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to establish or otherwise the influence of road rehabilitation on flexible pavement performance. The findings revealed that the design factors variable indices under the Likert scale of 5-strongly agree which were 2.15, 2.51, 3.34, and 3.61, likewise the performance variables under the same category which were 0.83, 0,55, 1.64, and 2.63 are the highest which means design factors affect rehabilitation significantly and performance factors affects pavement performance significantly. These category factors were cross-analysed and the results established the significance of the study and confirmed the influence of road rehabilitation on flexible pavement performance in Nigeria. In conclusion, rehabilitation of flexible pavement should be carried out by experts with the intent to achieve the factors of pavement performance.
Abstract: Road rehabilitation is the processes involved in repairing portions of an existing pavement in order to reset the deterioration process. This paper establishes the influence of road rehabilitation on flexible pavement performance in Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was prepared to obtain the primary data for this research. The survey population ...
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Research Article
Micro-Structure Analysis and Mechanical Behaviour of Hot Mix Asphalt Modified with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Using Palm Kernel Shell Ash as Mineral Filler
Enobong Okon Inyang*
Idorenyin Ndarake Usanga,
Edidiong Okon Mkpa
Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2024
3 August 2024
26 August 2024
23 September 2024
Abstract: In pavement construction and production of hot mix asphalt HMA, the use of industrial and agricultural waste has gained much relevance because of its economic and environmental benefits. This research examined the effects of palm kernel shell ash PKSA on the physical and volumetric properties of HMA modified with reclaimed asphalt pavement RAP. All preliminary test conducted on the modified asphalt mixture in accordance with relevant standards showed adequacy for use in production of HMA. Marshall method of mix design was adopted for the HMA production. The bitumen content was varied from 4.5 to 6.5% (at intervals of 0.5%). The palm kernel shell ash was varied from 25% to 75% (at interval of 25%). A maximum stability of 7.1kN was recorded at 5.5% bitumen content which is a little increment in strength but good significance in material (virgin bitumen) when compared to the maximum stability of 6.9kN at 6% bitumen obtained from the control mix. The microstructural analysis of the hot mix asphalt done on the palm kernel shell ash PKSA showed a rough surface texture needed in flexible pavement construction and when comparison was done between the control specimen and the modified specimen, it shows an improvement in the interlocking arrangement of aggregates resulting in a denser mixture for the modified hot mix asphalt. In conclusion this study confirms that a blend of a 50% RAP and 50% virgin aggregates with 50% palm kernel shell ash PKSA as mineral filler at 5% bitumen content can improved strength performance of HMA, hence, the effect of PKSA as a mineral filler in HMA containing RAP is significant.
Abstract: In pavement construction and production of hot mix asphalt HMA, the use of industrial and agricultural waste has gained much relevance because of its economic and environmental benefits. This research examined the effects of palm kernel shell ash PKSA on the physical and volumetric properties of HMA modified with reclaimed asphalt pavement RAP. All...
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